Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Science Based Meditation for Beginners

By Marjorie S. Greenwood

I decided to take up meditation as a New Year's resolution, for a variety of reasons. I recognized some qualities in myself that I wanted to confront, and it seemed that meditation was just the next natural step in my journey of self-actualization. Deciding I wanted to learn how to meditate was the easy part. Figuring out how to learn it was the hard part. There are SO MANY different types of meditation, and even more meditation philosophies to sort through. I read what I could online, but meditation is not necessarily easy to understand... that is, until you've done it. After some trial and error, I came across the "Simple Meditation for Beginners" course. I was a beginner, and I preferred simplicity, so it sounded perfect. Here are the details of my experience with this program:

Even though there are many types of meditation - from meditation of the transcendental kind to Zen meditation - health professionals agree that a beginner should not mind struggling with them. Meditation is easy and simple, even beginners can do it and everyone can benefit from it.

Find some free time in a calm and quiet place as you can at least 20 minutes or more. Meditating with interruptions from your gadgets and computers will not really work. Some traditions use the physical position lotus position or also known as Indian sit. In Sanskit, this is known as mudras - the famous sitting position in the ground. If you are not comfortable with this sitting position, you can sit on a chair instead. Do not just sit but try as much as possible to do something. Don't start immediately with meditation but let your body and mind settle first before starting. Life is already stressful as it is, do not add stress by doing meditation in a hurry. Try to pick something and gently draw your attention into it. It can be an image - mental or physical - or your breathing which works easy and natural. You can meditate with eyes closed or open, whichever works for you. A mantra may also aid you during meditation. It is a voice or sound that you build in your mind. When your mind starts to wander, slowly go back to the present condition. During your meditation, you will feel that your mind gets quieter than before.

Pluses. This course is super-easy to follow. You can tell the creator is a genuine lover of meditation, and that he honestly wants to help people learn. That meant a lot to me, as I felt that I was being guided by a friend. For the price, I cannot imagine a better starter program.

When you start to meditate, it is important to remember to stay relaxed through the whole meditation. You also have to meditate on a regular basis to really be able to feel the many benefits there is with meditation. So try to make it a habit and part of your daily routine. A good way to do that is to practice your meditation the same time ever day such as in the morning before you start your day or evening before going to sleep. So choose a time for your meditation where you are able to get 15 minutes undisturbed practice.

Results. Of course, it is impossible to measure the results in a scientific way. What I can tell you is that I noticed I was sleeping through the night after regular practice of the techniques I learned in the system (and I used to wake up several times a night with anxiety). I also felt more positive throughout the day. That's the best way I have of describing it: I simply had less negative and detrimental thoughts. Lastly (and perhaps this is the most tangible indicator of my success): I finally accomplished those personal goals I'd set for myself the prior year, which up until that point had been mere fantasies. That in itself was enough to convince me of the power of meditation, and of the effectiveness of this course."Simple Meditation for Beginners" is a great program for getting started in meditation. Although it does not reach into the broader spectrum of meditative practices, it does provide you with a great foundation to build upon. If you are looking for a fast and easy entrance into the world of meditation, then this could be the perfect program for you.

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Get complete details about Meditation For Beginners and some advanced information as regards Guided Relaxation , now.

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