Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Fwd: How Stay Nourished When Expecting Twins

By Gardelee Benandanio

It is a given that during pregnancy the body has greater nutritional needs, however when a woman is carrying multiples her nutritional needs go up severely. Twins can take a toll on the body. If you are carrying one child you need about three hundred extra calories a day, so naturally with twins that goes up to about six hundred a day. You should also make sure you are eating the most nutritious food that you can as you will need a lot of protein.

Make sure you're eating nutritious food as you will need about 80 to 100 grams of protein per day of course the best person to consult about exactly how much protein you will need is your doctor. Naturally this causes a lot more weight gain than the average pregnancy.You will need a pre-natal vitamin, the regular dosage will do just fine there is no need for added dosage. So don't think you need to take two, this can be dangerous, your physician will probably want to monitor your diet for iron deficiency to decide how much iron you will actually need.

As mentioned before you will need to increase your protein intake quite a bit, the foods you should focus on to do this are fish, chicken, meat and nuts. Three to four servings of this a day should be adequate. Your calcium intake will also need to increase as your bone density takes quite a beating during pregnancy and it decreases significantly.

Another problem you may encounter is that of constipation which happens a lot in pregnancy especially with twins, this is quite unpleasant and can be highly disturbing, the best solution is to increase your roughage intake by eating more dark green leafy vegetables if you do not do this your doctor will have to give you fiber supplements, it is always better to go about things as naturally as possible when pregnant so you might want to consider getting a liking for vegetables even if you normally don't fancy them.

When it comes to exercise it will most likely still be possible for you to do them but on a lower scale, the best exercises are swimming, walking or water aerobics, pace yourself, stop if you feel tired and by all means consult your doctor before you begin a routine.

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