Friday, March 29, 2013

Smart steps for a smart and fit body

By Elizabeth Thompkins

One has to work hard to attain a smart and fit body. There is no short cut for it. There are certain goal which you should set for attaining a healthy body and work on the same. But sincerity and dedication is very important in this case. To achieve a healthy and toned body it is very necessary to lose the excess fat that you have accumulated in your body, for this also there is a need of strict routine and sincere goals to follow. These goals are very essential as they act as your guide and you can check your performance on the basis of these goals. So all you have to do is to set these smart goals that will lead to a fit and healthy body.

Smart - what it means?

The smart goal is an acronym that stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bounded. Let us discuss how this concept can be used by you to attain your objective.


When you are setting a goal, ensure that it is not vague but specific. The goal must be clear and easily identifiable. A vogue objective can never set you on the right course. It may often require a series of objectives leading to a goal to be followed and attained. It will be a practical and scientific approach to a specific issue which is your goal. An example will make this clear.

Mistaken idea - if you gain 10 extra pounds and want to shed it off at one it will be a wrong idea. It does not have any specific objective and goal therefore it is likely that thegoal will be dropped off soon.

Correct approach --- I shall attend the gym and workout inside or outside the gym for 40-60 minutes thrice a week, to lose those additional 15 pounds.

It is clear that the right approach will make the goal and the objective more specific.


Your progress should be measurable for evaluation of the progress. If your goal is to lose 15 pounds, you should calculate how much you should lose, say in a week or fortnight. Measuring progress and seeing positive results is also an impetus for you.

A ---Attainable

The goal that you set needs to be achievable. If you set a goal which is not practical and thus you not being able to achieve would frustrate you. You should give yourself sufficient time to achieve your goal practically and in a healthy manner. You could discuss your goals with people who have achieved them already.

R ---Realistic

You may aim high but aim in such a way that you can achieve the goals that you set, and they are attainable. Your confidence would get a boost if the goal you set even though high can be achieved and thus would keep you on the correct path.

T--- Time

Deadline is also essential. Time is an important factor in attaining any goal. A goal like shedding 10 pounds in 4 months is better than losing the extra pounds in few months.

Your success in your efforts would depend on the way you set your goals for fitness and how serious and motivated you are to achieve them.

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