Sunday, January 20, 2013

Can Green Coffee Bean Max Help You With Your Weight Loss Goals?

By Katrina Harden

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages consumed among Americans. There is virtually a coffee shop on every corner.

The brewing of coffee beans stimulates the senses and just makes you crave for a cup. In fact, while you are searching for articles to read, you may have a cup next to you right now!

Arabica beans are not just for brewing and roasting, they have other qualities that you may not be aware of.

For instance they have anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and anti-hypertensive properties. With these properties combined, coffee beans can help to regulate the metabolism of fat.

The coffee beans you roast everyday come from two types of plants, Arabica and Canephora (Robusta). There is really no difference between these two plants as to which bears the best high quality ingredients. No matter which plant Green Coffee Bean Max originates from, you will lose weight.

I know you are asking yourself, "Is this just another fad diet?" How will it help me to lose weight?

The secret to these powerful little capsules is its active ingredient chlorogenic acid. It works by raising your body temperature to burn existing fat as well as the fat you eat. Its antioxidant properties helps to inhibit the formation of new fat cells.

Green coffee bean extract 800mg has a high level of polyphenols which are anti-oxidants that is a natural chemical in plants.

Polyphenols have been extensively studied by many research scientists. These compounds have been discovered to have an agent that have a powerful effect on the enzyme pancreatic lipase. Pancreatic lipase is an enzyme secreted by the pancreas.

The primary function of lipases is to metabolize fats. But the main function of pancreatic lipase is to metabolize triglycerides (TGs).

Red fatty meats, pizza, fruit juices, bagels made with enriched flour, and dairy products that are made with whole milk are loaded with triglycerides. Three fatty acids combined with a glycerol make up TGs. When calories do not get utilized as energy, these unused calories are stored as TGs in your body.

Since TGs cannot be absorbed by the intestine without being broken down first, a special enzyme is needed. This is where the pancreatic lipases come in. They break down the TGs into molecules that are smaller. These small molecules can then be absorbed via the intestine.

The smaller compounds that get absorbed are either used as energy to burn fats or the triglycerides return to their normal state and get stored in the body.

The inhibition of pancreatic lipases on TGs prevents the accumulation of fat in the body. This also promotes body fat that is stored to be released and converted into energy.

In the UK a study was conducted at the Queen Margaret University on compounds found in green coffee extract. These green coffee beans were discovered to have an abundance of polyphenols that inhibit the function of pancreatic lipase.

After the research study was conducted at the Queen Margaret University, researchers wanted to know if green coffee had any real significant effect on helping people to lose weight. They studied a group of women and men who had excessive weight gain. Without the participant's knowledge, one group was given regular coffee to drink while the other was given green coffee bean coffee to drink.

The subjects were weighed before and after a twelve week period of participating in this study. The group who had green coffee bean coffee collectively loss 12lbs while the group who drank the regular coffee showed no significant weight loss.

These two studies that were conducted and other testimonials told by other consumers seems to prove that green coffee bean extract 800mg does help to prevent the absorption of fat and its accumulation in the body. This results in stored body fat being released and converted into energy.

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