Saturday, January 19, 2013

Brain Cancer Research & How It Brings Us Together

By Rob Sutter

There's something to be said about an act such as brain cancer research. No matter how daunting the condition it may be, the research is still being done and such a thing deserves respect. However, respect cannot buy everything and sometimes a little bit more is going to be needed in order for a certain goal to be met. When it comes to this, sometimes bringing people together with similar mindsets may just be enough to help kick the movement towards that very goal into overdrive.

If you look at organizations focusing on this condition such as Voices Against Brain Cancer, you will see that people have become greatly invested in the cause. So many people have worked towards it, whether they had a personal connection to brain tumors or not. There are many ways people can get involved on the matter, though I feel like the ones which are most encompassing are social events. What exactly do said events entail in the way of brain cancer research, though?

If you want to look to VABC in terms of an example of how to help, the Join the Voices Run/Walk may be the best choice. This very event which was held in Central Park one months ago allowed people to come together in order to move together. Whether they ran for competition or walked for relaxation, the amount of support and revenue that came in certainly helped research along. For those who wondered where the money accumulated went to at the end of the day, you don't have to wonder a moment longer.

Research is the key aspect to look into when talking about the search for cures, though the financial backing has to remain constant. Success is not going to be given unless the funds are present and they come in at a steady flow. Such facilities stand a chance of being closed down for good if this is not the case. It goes to show just how vital people in these events truly are and how worthwhile their contributions prove to be at the end of the day.

There's no doubt in my mind that this is a great cause to go after but what about the facilities that unfortunately closed down? It's been said that they had to shut down operations due to a lack of funding and looking at them now, I have to agree. The work done was excellent but excellent work alone does not help a goal come to fruition. There is no excuse for this and I can only hope that other departments don't ultimately suffer the same fate.

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