Monday, December 24, 2012

Wilma Bryant on Doomsday Preppers

By Terrance Franklin

Wilma Bryant brings a very difficult topic to the set of Doomsday Preppers: survival with a medical condition. In her case the condition is diabetes. Dependence on medication can seriously complicate the plans of a lot of would be preppers. How does she manage to plan her survival off the grid in order to stay alive?

EF5 Tornados - increasing frequency?

After quickly looking into the literature, the studies support Wilma's claim that tornados have indeed been increasing in frequency over the last 30 years. Coming from approximately 900 tornados through the 80s, recent years have produced an average closer to 1200 per year, an increase of 33%!

Diabetic issues in a Tragedy

According to the show, 8% of the US population currently suffers from diabetes, and this disease is the 7th leading cause of death in the country. While we know that diabetes is one of the leading preventable causes of death caused by excess carbohydrate consumption, this is not the reason for Wilma's disease. As an insulin dependent diabetic, she suffers from Type I diabetes, an autoimmune disease which attacks the cells which create insulin in the pancreas. Prior to the widespread availability of insulin, this was considered to be a fatal disease and those who developed it rarely survived childhood.

Low carb prepping

I have a feeling Wilma and I would get along because she is also into low carb prepping. While it is a matter of necessity rather than preference for her, the amount of food she has stored is a testament to how it can be done. In order to minimize the amount of insulin she would need for eating a meal, Wilma has selected low carbohydrate foods for her storage. With a lower glycemic index, the food is not converted to blood sugar as quickly (if at all) and less insulin is required to clear the blood stream.

There are several benefits to non-diabetic preppers going through this kind of preparation. I believe that if you are experiencing the issues of arranging an entire food store, you might also do it in the most beneficial manner. In fact, storing sacks of sugar can lead to another type of diabetes, a better level of hunger as well as obesity. These are all big negatives in a post collapse scenario.


They say need is the mother of invention, and no-one has the necessity to invent like an insulin dependent diabetic person. Refrigeration is important to enable Wilma and her daughter to stay alive Sensibly, they have invented ways to use the environment to maintain a comfortable temperature without electric power. In case there is an f5 tornado or perhaps almost any tragedy, loss of infrastructure should be presumed.

The two ways that Wilma is looking to refrigerate her insulin are by cold creek water and by building an underground storehouse. Five feet under the ground will typically exhibit stable temperatures and humidity levels as we have seen before. It has the added benefit of being concealed from potential looters and insulated from most of the possible calamities that could happen outside.

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