Saturday, December 29, 2012

Useful Data On Green Coffee Bean Extract For Weight Loss

By Cindy Davis

Everything green is in vogue nowadays. We see it in the way we do our thinking, the way we live and now maybe in our coffee. The burst of Starbucks and other such franchises on the commercial scene has made coffee a staple in our diet. Yet conflicting medical reports always come up that too much is bad or too little is not good either. Now another product has come up that is also based on our popular morning drink and becoming quite popular. This product is green coffee bean extract for weight loss.

Green coffee bean is basically the raw, unripe bean that is not roasted. It is a product that is rich in chlorogenic acid. It is this chemical that has made researchers excited in that it is a chemical that can be closely related to losing fat and weight. This acid prevents the liver from releasing glucose into the blood stream, thus making it burn more fat in the process. In this case metabolism is increased.

Another exciting thing about the properties of the extract is the passive effect it has. All one has to do is to ingest it regularly and their metabolism will increase despite their maintaining their current way of life or diet. Clinical trials have shown this to be true according to researchers.

Another thing apart from the chlorogenic properties that is exciting researches is its passive effect. Clinical trials have shown that once ingested on a regular basis, one has to do nothing at all and just maintain their regular living habits, and yet their metabolism will increase.

Without changing activity levels or modifying diets, the participants in the clinical trials lost about sixteen percent of their body fat and ten percent of their overall weight. In fact they lost on average about 17 pounds in 22 weeks.

Although the acid responsible for this metabolic rate increase is found in the beans, we will not find it in just any cup of java, or our favorite brews in our local watering holes. This is because roast and brew blends no longer contains chlorogenic acid as this has been taken out during the roasting process due to the high heat of somewhere around 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

The best way therefore to find the acid in its closest to natural form are in 800 milligram capsules that are concentrated with the extract. These 800 mg capsules come in bottles of 60 capsules and can be shipped from the supplier when ordering online. On top of that, it costs less than a real cup of java at your local Starbucks. In a sense you would be paying for 60 cups of chlorogenic acid for the price of one doppio.

Green coffee bean extract for weight loss may seem like something that is too good to be true, and it probably is. However, one can never be too sure until one has actually tried it. And for most people, something this good is definitely not worth passing up.

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