Thursday, December 20, 2012

Doubting Weight Loss Plans

By Christian Blake

A long time ago (a very long time), when the world was on the verge of being ruled by FOODS, there had been three very obnoxious rivaled food gods called; Carbohydrate, Vegetarian and Balanced diet. The three of them desired to be the greatest and rule the world they were so awfully rivaled and good that not one of them could, because humans liked all of them. They realized they should put away their weapons and win the hearts of humans. So, each of them devised a strategy to win the support of the friendly humans. The war was stiff... the battle fierce only one thing that stood out from those former days is the fact that war still is on and intensely much electric. And you know what? we humans are those enjoying (or can I say suffering from) it; while carbohydrate is busy winning over fans, vegetarian goes about turning people into unusual freaks while balanced diet... oh poor balanced diet, he is the correct one but he is unfortunately losing his fans faster than he is winning them over. You understand I won't function as the bad guy here; considering that I am the only surviving human from those war times of the food gods. So, I will take advantage of this weight reduction eating plan for women article to assist these warriors spread their campaign; beginning from carbohydrate.

Carbohydrate Diet-The low-carbohydrate plan became popular because you don't have to weigh and measure. Dieters could ditch bread, rice and also other complex carbohydrates (including fruit) for 2 weeks, bringing these carbohydrates into the diet slowly, in limited doses. Dieters in this particular plan can eat a great deal of animal protein, like chicken and eggs, and vegetables, like spinach, broccoli and lettuce. Fats are okay, too, aside from the hydrogenated kind (in processed foods). Beware though that suddenly depriving the entire body of carbohydrates can lead to low energy, mood slumps, exhaustion and crankiness.

Breakfast: Omelet made using two eggs, 2 tbsp. shredded cheese, 1 cup mushrooms

Snack: Cheese stick or 1 cup celery with 2 tbsp peanut butter

Lunch: Salad containing three cups of lettuce and/or other veggies; 4 oz. lean meat or fish, two tbsp creamy Caesar dressing or Asian tuna kebabs (see "Resources").

Dinner: 8 oz. of steak, 3 cups of spinach sauted in essential olive oil or beef burgers with Feta and tomato

Vegetarian Diet-The modern diet trend would be to sacrifice meat for a trim figure (cut processed food to get at that size 6 even more quickly, without going hungry). An added benefit is that you'll be saving our planet, too.

Breakfast: 1 cup scrambled tofu; two slices whole wheat bread; two wedges of raw cantaloupe; 1 tbsp. vegetarian margarine spread.

Snack: 4 oz. of vanilla soy yogurt; 1 tbsp. flax seed.

Lunch: Black Bean and sweet potato salad (or, try half a sweet potato with half a cup cooked black beans, plus 2 oz. of tofu with an added protein kick).

Lunch snack: 1.5 oz. trail mix

Dinner: 1 cup cooked quinoa, one serving grilled vegetables.

Balanced Diet-This is in accordance with the idea of splitting 1,600 calories between three meals (300 to 400 calories each) as well as two snacks (about 200 calories each). Just make sure to load up on vegetables and lean protein.

Breakfast: 1/2 cup of egg-whites and two slices of whole wheat toast with one tablespoon of butter or 1 small apple with 2 tbsp. peanut butter.

Snack: 1/2: 8 oz. of plain nonfat Greek yogurt; 1/2 cup berries; 1 tbsp. agave nectar or one 200-calorie protein bar (for instance a Balance bar).

Lunch: Salad made using 3 cups loose romaine lettuce or spinach, four capfuls (2 tbsp.) full-fat dressing, 3 to 4 oz. of grilled chicken (about the size of a pack of cards); and 1/2 cup of garbanzo beans. Or consider using a large whole wheat wrap, filled up with alfalfa sprouts, 1 tbsp. honey mustard dressing, half of a smaller avocado and 2 oz. of tofu or grilled steak.

Dinner: Filet of baked salmon and 4 glasses of roasted vegetables (cooked in 2 tbsp. of olive oil) and half a sweet potato using a pat of butter.

But wait a moment; why was there a food war from the beginning? Why can't all of us just be one happy family? How come there have to be food gods when they can all come together and try to make nutrition well worth the name. I'm saying this because; notwithstanding what you eat, it still doesn't change these facts;

Focus-First, you have to give attention to determining the number of calories you need to consume daily so that you can lose weight. For people with a vigorous lifestyle, you'll need more. If you spend the majority of your day sitting at the desk, you'll need less. You need to burn 3,500 more calories than consume each week to shed 1 lb; don't shave off lots of calories. Women shouldn't take in less than 1,200 calories each day and men, at least 1,500. Pack your breakfast filled with protein, including black beans or eggs, and citrus fruits like grapefruit and oranges that will rev up your metabolism. It's simple to grab for bread and chips when you're hungry, but try and substitute. Rather than regular Fries, bake your very own sweet potato fries. Switch out pasta for brown rice.

There're 3,500 calories in a single pound of fat, so to lose one pound you need to burn 3,500 calories over you eat. To shed one pound a week you need to strive for a calorie deficit of 500 every day, meaning you consume 500 calories a lot less than you burn. To have an idea of the amount of calories you burn in an average day, make use of online calculator that considers your height, weight and activity level to estimate your caloric needs, and subtract 500 to discover your goal for daily caloric intake. Make sure to eat at the least 1,200 calories per day; anything below this amount will put your metabolism into starvation mode and hurt weight loss efforts.

Patience-Once you make decision to slim down, it's simple to get frustrated if you don't see immediate results. However, the healthiest rate for losing weight is 1 to 2 pounds each week, because at this speed the body weight you lose is mainly fat, instead of the water or muscle that you lose when you shed fat too fast. Additionally, weight that is lost in a slow and steady pace tends to stay off, whereas weight which is lost too quickly is usually regained in a year. Target 4 to 5 pounds in your first month, and adjust your goals once you know what is reasonable for your body.

Diet Buddies-Study after study has shown that folks that have a support system tend to be successful in their fat reduction than others who go it alone. Sharing your goals with other people can make you more accountable and you motivated on those days when you wish to get a burger and fries rather than visiting the gym. Stay in touch with friends who also are attempting to lose weight; share in each other's victories and encourage each other during tough times. In case you don't feel safe sharing your weight loss goals with friends, search for support groups in your neighborhood, or join an online forum. Making your intentions known will help, whether to friends and family or strangers.

Exercise-Exercise is an important element of losing weight, but exercising does not have to be scary or excessively intense. If you don't exercise now, take small steps to help ease yourself into the process, and talk to your doctor if you have any concerns. Set short-term exercise goals to remain motivated. A new runner will do better to concentrate on running for 10 minutes continuously than running his first 10-mile race. Celebrate your small victories as well as set new goals if you reach your old ones.

Endurance-Your best option would be to develop a weight loss approach for women that you can stick to on long-term basis and also suits your lifestyle. Your ultimate goal at the outset is to slim down, but eventually it'll be to help maintain the weight you lost without going up and down. Thus, it is important that you make your fat loss progressive over an extended time frame, centering on 1- to 2-lb. losses a week. Losing a lot of weight at one time can negatively impact your health and compromise the proper functioning of such body systems as the menstruation cycle and metabolism. Spread your caloric losses over several days and set small weight-loss goals that you could reach without stress.

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